Best wishes to Rev. Kimberly Barker-Brugman as she departs Lawrenceville UMC on June 26.
Welcome to Rev Blair O'Quinn as he joins Lawrenceville UMC starting June 27.
July 28 – Board Game Night - from 6-8 pm in the Fellowship Hall.We will have the ping pong table up. We have lots of games but feel free to bring your favorite from home. Children must be accompanied by parents. We will have snacks!!
If you would like us to pray for a friend or family member, please send their address to Lloyd Grant at: prayLUMCpray@aol.com
He will send them a Prayergram. It’s a great and simple way to share the love of Christ.
We now accept Electronic Giving
See the "Automated Donations" button at the bottom of the page
for the world
Lawrenceville United Methodist Church is a caring place to make disciples for the transformation of the World. Make a difference in the world and in your life by joining us to learn more about God and discipleship.